Vision is our most valuable sense. 90% of a child’s learning is through their visual system. Early detection can save years of struggling and harmful impact on your child’s ability to learn.
Children’s Exam 1 in 4 children are at risk fromundiagnosed vision problems!
Our Doctors will only see patients over the age of 6 and they must know their alphabets and numbers!
Many vision screenings test only for distance visual acuity. It does not give any indication as to how well the eyes focus up close or team together for the child’s schoolwork demands. It also does not give any information about the eye health.
A change in vision is often not realized until your child can’t see the board at school or has trouble reading a text book. They often do not know their eyes are not working efficiently and are unable to communicate that a problem exists. The increased stress on the child’s inadequate visual system can cause fatigue and lack of overall desire to do their schoolwork resulting in less than optimal grades and sometimes behavioral disorders.
Additionally, we are living in a “blue light experiment” and we do not know the final outcome! The blue light that is found in the digital technology that our kids are devouring may be found to induce retinal damage and cell death. We can prescribe Blue Light lenses to help prevent this from happening to your child. Please ask for details
For more information about blue light blocker lenses, Click here
Please have your child’s eyes checked annually.
Schedule your child's eye exam today.
State law encourages eye exams for children enrolling for the first time in schools. We are asking parents to make appointments now for their children to reduce eye and vision problems going undiagnosed and untreated in children.
The Optometric Association encourages comprehensive eye exams for children entering kindergarten or enrolling for the first time in public, private, or parochial elementary schools.
Since comprehensive eye exams are the best way to diagnose eye and vision problems in children early, before they interfere with a child’s ability to learn, we agree that an exam is a crucial step in ensuring that students perform to the best of their ability in the classroom, and through their growing years.